-Best 30 minutes of the year for them in my opinion. Out-gained UNC 240-77, had 15 first downs to their 5 and held the ball for 20:33.
-Hampton has just 23 yards rushing (UNC is at -3 as a team). Great job up front and tackling so far (except for the Marinaro whiff)
-Speaking of him, awesome reaction by the sideline when he had the pick. O'Brien calls him a 'heart and soul guy' all the time and you saw it with that reaction.
-I told you James was better. No chance in hell Tommy makes that throw to Harris and there's been several times he's eluded pressure and kept his eyes up down field, something TC absolutely could not do.
-Special teams is still frustrating as hell, but that Liam Connor 49 yarder was huge for his confidence. I doubt we see many more attempts, but at least we know it's possible if the game comes down to it.
-Lengthy drives have been impressive too and most importantly, ending in 7 points.
-I feel like I should have more to complain about but it was nearly flawless. Very, very impressive first half. Hopefully they can close this out and make Pitt rather stress free next Saturday