Now that there are some players moved, I'm going to add this info to an updated two deep projection.
QB Wade Flutie
OT Bowen Schmal
OG Baker Lindstrom
C Taylor Rich
OG Williams Cashman
OT Hendren Phillips
RB Hilliman Willis
FB Wolford Burke
TE Giacone Addazio
WR Callinan Crimmins
WR Alston Smith
DE Landry Strizak
DT Gutapfel Moore
DT Wujciak Abdesmad
DE Kavalec Cottrell
LB Milan Schwab
LB Daniels Strachan
LB Joy Bletzer
SS Lezzer Seward
FS Simmons McClary
CB Johnson Moore
CB Yiadom Dawson
QB Wade Flutie
OT Bowen Schmal
OG Baker Lindstrom
C Taylor Rich
OG Williams Cashman
OT Hendren Phillips
RB Hilliman Willis
FB Wolford Burke
TE Giacone Addazio
WR Callinan Crimmins
WR Alston Smith
DE Landry Strizak
DT Gutapfel Moore
DT Wujciak Abdesmad
DE Kavalec Cottrell
LB Milan Schwab
LB Daniels Strachan
LB Joy Bletzer
SS Lezzer Seward
FS Simmons McClary
CB Johnson Moore
CB Yiadom Dawson