on the overall gameday operation..don't really feel like hashing out how bad our offense was so figured i'd see what the rest of you who were in attendance thought about these things i noticed:
1. Not being able to hear anything on the PA system..granted this is an issue every week but it's amplified by the fact that there were numerous announcements i actually wanted to listen to. Namely for the TOB/2005 team recognition, Tim/Elizabeth Hasselbeck (i didn't really care about honoring them just wanted to hear how they were justifying it), and most importantly for the Crowthers
2. The dance team going out onto the field for their performance only to have their music not be played...and then running off without doing their routine
3. Playing Born in the USA while announcing the Wounded Warriors of the game..could go either way here but i feel like the underlying meaning of the song is fairly well known and someone should have thought twice about playing it
1. Not being able to hear anything on the PA system..granted this is an issue every week but it's amplified by the fact that there were numerous announcements i actually wanted to listen to. Namely for the TOB/2005 team recognition, Tim/Elizabeth Hasselbeck (i didn't really care about honoring them just wanted to hear how they were justifying it), and most importantly for the Crowthers
2. The dance team going out onto the field for their performance only to have their music not be played...and then running off without doing their routine
3. Playing Born in the USA while announcing the Wounded Warriors of the game..could go either way here but i feel like the underlying meaning of the song is fairly well known and someone should have thought twice about playing it