"Weapons discipline was lacking" So says the report Did they have to pay someone to come to that conclusion ? It was all on live TV. when they lit up that boat with Tamerlin cowering inside, bleeding out and unarmed, with more rounds than were fired during Pickett's charge Its a wonder that everyone within five blocks wasn't killed They must have been firing high as not a round hit the coward in the boat who ran over his own brother to get away
Lack of command and control was the other conclusion. Again anyone who saw the interviews with Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee , the Boston Chief of Police and the Head of the State Police, knew no one was running the show. That is with the exception of the press which never allows the facts to intrude on their narratives.
I have no sympathy whatsoever for Tamerlin And .since torture is not allowed I would rather he had been killed at the scene and spared his victims some more heart ache. And I do have every sympathy for the cops on the ground But when the brass screws up that badly and over reacts that badly they should get the boot But in the best tradition of Massachusetts politics they bury their incompetence in a report that comes out long after most people have lost interest
Lack of command and control was the other conclusion. Again anyone who saw the interviews with Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee , the Boston Chief of Police and the Head of the State Police, knew no one was running the show. That is with the exception of the press which never allows the facts to intrude on their narratives.
I have no sympathy whatsoever for Tamerlin And .since torture is not allowed I would rather he had been killed at the scene and spared his victims some more heart ache. And I do have every sympathy for the cops on the ground But when the brass screws up that badly and over reacts that badly they should get the boot But in the best tradition of Massachusetts politics they bury their incompetence in a report that comes out long after most people have lost interest