With all the discussion here, I suggest Eagle Action look into this. How easy is it to schedule in football the P5 schools we posters want? What can we offer them to come here on a one and one? Are we open to scheduling a single away game with a major P5? How tied up are the Stanfords and Northwesterns of the world at this point? Much less Oklahoma, LSU, and Oregon. Is money an issue, with our small stadium? Would a home game at Foxboro attract anyone? Would it be considered by BC? Is our team record an issue? Is our recruiting area an issue? What strength of schedule guidelines do we follow? Would we consider more than one P5? Do we consider bowl eligibility when arranging a schedule? What is Daz' input on the football schedule? How involved is Bates himself?
Not sure how frank the response would be, but agree to keep the interview to scheduling. Nothing on seat licenses, parking, attendance, tail-gating, etc.
Not sure how frank the response would be, but agree to keep the interview to scheduling. Nothing on seat licenses, parking, attendance, tail-gating, etc.