Certain things BC cannot control - weather, geography, etc. That said, I believe BC must commit to being in the Top 10%-20% of P5 in what it can control in order to build a winning program in football and basketball. Here are some examples:
Top 10 – 20% coaches salary – kids will come to play for the right big-time coach
Top 10 - 20% practice and training facilities (think about it - kids spend way more time there than in the actual stadium)
Top 10-20% academic support program; make it unbelievable; kids need to be confident they can complete coursework
Top 10-20% housing for athletes; make it awesome (there is already a basketball house for seniors and a football house – not certain who lives in it). Both are on Beacon St. across from the school
Top 10-20% meal plan for athletes; make it incredible
Top 10-20% recruiting trip experience (housing, meals, fun; create a huge buzz; whatever does not violate NCAA rules)
Top 10-20% job placement – for kids who don’t make The League
Stop with the bandaids and the d!cking around. Stop trying and start doing. This is not hard to do. Ever to Excel investments in the areas we can control. Get it done.
Top 10 – 20% coaches salary – kids will come to play for the right big-time coach
Top 10 - 20% practice and training facilities (think about it - kids spend way more time there than in the actual stadium)
Top 10-20% academic support program; make it unbelievable; kids need to be confident they can complete coursework
Top 10-20% housing for athletes; make it awesome (there is already a basketball house for seniors and a football house – not certain who lives in it). Both are on Beacon St. across from the school
Top 10-20% meal plan for athletes; make it incredible
Top 10-20% recruiting trip experience (housing, meals, fun; create a huge buzz; whatever does not violate NCAA rules)
Top 10-20% job placement – for kids who don’t make The League
Stop with the bandaids and the d!cking around. Stop trying and start doing. This is not hard to do. Ever to Excel investments in the areas we can control. Get it done.